GIS for All: Enabling the Power of GIS for Everyone

October 24, 2023 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


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Aaron Ott is a Professionally Licensed Land Surveyor and Chief of the Office of Data Services and Technology in the Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation, and System Information. In this webinar, he will demonstrate some of the real-world work that Caltrans is performing in the field of GIS and talk about skills that government agencies such as Caltrans are looking for in GIS Professionals.

Aaron Ott’s office is responsible for Enterprise GIS, Linear Referencing System (LRS), and Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS). He has 24 years of experience in project delivery, working and supervising Field Survey Crews, Survey Data Processing and GIS. As a champion of innovation, he was a key member of the implementation team for Mobile LiDAR for Caltrans and UAS for the North Region of Caltrans. He has been Branch Chief of North Region GIS, Program Manager for Enterprise Data and Geospatial Governance for Caltrans, and a team lead for the GIS and data interoperability team in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Infrastructure (BIM4I) program.

October 24, 2023 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Spatial Sciences Institute Conference Room (AHF B57)

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