Upon graduating from USC with my Bachelor of Science in Applied and Computational Mathematics, I had this unwavering feeling of wanting to learn more. I hoped to pursue a program that would teach me about business, data analytics, economic theory and analysis, while also giving me the opportunity to work with a unique group of…
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Finland, Sweden, and NATO: What Putin Didn’t Want

Dr. Steven L. Lamy, professor emeritus of political science and international relations and spatial sciences, explains in his article in The Conversation why no one should be surprised that Finland and Sweden, historically neutral countries, have applied for full NATO membership. Dr. Lamy opines that both Finland and Sweden see the priority of protecting their…
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Apply now for SCAG GIS internships

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is now accepting applications from USC students for its Summer 2022 internships. This summer students will work on SCAG's Connect SoCal project. Read the scope of work for this internship. Past USC Spatial Sciences Institute interns have made important contributions to SCAG projects. They also have gained valuable…
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Congrats to the ’21-’22 Geodesign Fellows

The MWD Meymouth Treatment Plant is one of the largest water treatment facilities in the U.S. Photo courtesy of the MWD. The Spatial Sciences Institute (SSI) of the University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences has announced that Eileen Chen, Chioma Okonkwo and Eytan Stanton have been selected as the SSI…
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