As a B.S. in Global Health major, I wanted to ensure that my education equipped me with the cutting-edge tools and critical perspective necessary to address health inequities and confront future epidemics. Knowing nothing about geographic information science (GIS), I began an independent research project analyzing the burden of waterborne infectious disease in rural communities…
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Madeline Rouse

I take pride in being a very multidisciplinary student. I’m pursuing a BA in Linguistics and Cognitive Science and a Human Security and Geospatial Intelligence (HSGI) minor and a Choreography minor. I’m also pursuing an MS in HSGI through the USC Progressive Degree program. To me, the power of spatial studies is in data visualization.…
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Melissa Pelowski

Meet Melissa Pelowski: Geography is the mother of history. As a Law, History and Culture major and Human Security and Geospatial Intelligence minor, I’ve acquired great understanding of the past with a focus on the future. The Spatial Sciences Institute’s faculty have equipped me with methodological skills that are essential for undertaking humanitarian issues, most…
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Kevin Mercy

The powerful applications of Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Systems are truly intriguing and abundant. The past couple years I have worked on multiple interdisciplinary research projects which have integrated GIS and spatial thinking with archaeological research, fieldwork, and data collection. I have chosen to major in Interdisciplinary Archaeology with minors in Human Security and…
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