This part of our portfolio takes an interdisciplinary, synergistic approach and uses geospatial technologies to solve critical problems. By designing new places and spaces that promote environmental sustainability and human well-being, we can optimize location, orientation, and other elements of projects on many scales.
Stein E, Dark S, Longcore T, et al. 2010. Historical Ecology as a Tool for Assessing Landscape Change and Wetland Restoration Priorities. Wetlands 30: 589-601
Longcore T, Lam C S, Kobernus P, Polk E, Wilson J P. 2010. Extracting Useful Data from Imperfect Monitoring Schemes: Endangered Butterflies at San Bruno Mountain, San Mateo County, California (1982-2000) and Implications for Habitat Management. Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 335-346