Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seeking Undergraduate Researchers and more.

Amber Birdwell

As a Global Geodesign major, I am interested in gaining an international perspective on issues of urban and sustainable planning. Since USC is the only university in the country to offer a degree program like this, I am excited to learn from experts in Amsterdam and in Beijing and apply new approaches to long-term questions.…
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Thuận Nguyễn

Thuận Nguyễn is a third-year sociology Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California. He holds an AA in Social and Behavioral Sciences, a BA in Human Communication Studies and Sociology, and an MA in Sociology. Broadly, he is interested in exploring racial and spatial processes that shape how LGBTQ people of color access and…
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Christine Chen

Before coming to USC, I have always had a passion for design; however, I knew that I did not want to purely pursue a degree in design, but rather in a major that is much more interdisciplinary. After attending several USC panels and talking with numerous alumni, I came across the major of Global Geodesign…
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Alicia Adiwidjaja

The power of place is found in the story of where. In this emphasis on the geospatial does GeoDesign encourage me to think critically of the spatial context that defines all of our lives. The intersectionality of geographic information sciences, data analysis and architecture gives me the necessary perspective to navigate the built and natural…
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