Yao-Yi Chiang’s team is Trivia Bowl victor

With the name "FirstPlace," the team led by Professor Yao-Yi Chiang expressed its intent to dominate the Spatial Sciences Institute's virtual Trivia Bowl on Thursday, August 13, 2020.

And the team lived up to it name, taking an early lead to beat out eight other teams. Congratulations to Dr. Chiang and team members Weiwei Duan, Hayley Song, Runyu Guan, Sunny Huang, Yijun Lin, Che-Pai Kung, Myunghee Lee, Zekun Li, and Yifan Xu!

Although Team "FirstPlace" was well organized, other teams were close at their heels. Also scoring well were teams headed by Professors Karen Kemp, Laura Loyola and Jennifer Swift, and the team of GeoDesign alumni.

The prize for the members of the winning team are copies of Esri's beautiful GIS for Science: Applying Mapping and Spatial Analysis book. The SSI  staff will ship the books out as soon as we are able to return to the office.

In all, 56 students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the Spatial Sciences Institute were spirited participants. We thank all who joined us for the great fun. It was a grand kick-off to the academic year!



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