Victoria Dechamps

Victoria Dechamps - I was a geodesign student before I even knew what geodesign was. During my IB years in high school, I pursued my interests in physics, art, and geography even though I didn’t think those classes could come together and lead to anything concrete. Little did I know, they were perfect for a degree in geodesign. My diverse passions for sustainability, design, planning, and technology finally seemed to make sense when I found out about this relatively new area of study.

My very first geodesign class, SSCI 201, was extremely rewarding as I finally felt like I was doing what I was meant to be doing. Having lived in Belgium my whole life and having traveled to 18 countries in 4 continents, I have always found it extremely interesting to look at different cities and how they function. I look at what works and what doesn’t, as well as what can be changed or improved in a certain place.

Although I am not far in my journey, I am excited to continue to explore how I can have a positive, meaningful impact on the world through geodesign. Coupled with a minor in Disruptive Innovation in the Iovine and Young Academy, I hope to be a part of the creation of revolutionary ideas and planning methods that can hopefully make the world a more sustainable place. - Victoria Dechamps

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