(213) 740-5910 / AHF 146
2011, Ph.D., Architecture, Tianjin University
2007, M.S., Architecture, Tianjin University
2004, B.S., Architecture, Hebei University of Architecture
Dr. Shanshan Liu is a visiting scholar with the Spatial Sciences Institute from August 2019 - August 2020.
Dr. Liu is a lecturer in the School of Architecture at Tianjin Chengjian University. Dr. Liu previously has been a visiting scholar at the Needham Research Institute, University of Cambridge.
Her research interest is in military settlements and defense systems in the Ming dynasty and she is interested in incorporating more spatial approaches into her work.
She holds an associate membership in the American Institute of Architects (AIA). She also is a member of the Architectural Society of China, the Great Wall Society of China and ICOMOS China.