The Spatial Sciences Institute invites undergraduates with an interest in GIS to apply for a research position to participate in our CityEngine project, working directly with Drs. Kyohyouk Kim and John Wilson to complete various software engineering tasks on topics in geographic information science, such as 3D modeling, 3D visualization, and data integration, starting September 1, 2014. The ideal candidate will have an interest and familiarity with geographic information science. In general, we are looking for a student who has an excellent academic record, is experienced in programming, and shows interest in participating in cutting-edge research projects at the Spatial Sciences Institute. In addition, we welcome students who have some interest and knowledge of trees and other forms of ground cover.
To apply, provide the items below to provide some insight into your experiences and interests, and send your application form directly to Dr. Wilson no later than August 24, 2014. Contact Dr. Wilson if you have any questions.
- Name
- Major(s)/minor(s)
- Year in school
- Software and programming language competencies
- Relevant course projects/skills
- Up-to-date resume
- Transcript
This position is supported by USC Undergraduate Research Associates Program. The standard stipend for an academic semester is $1,500, assuming an average of eight to ten hours of student research per week. The standard summer stipend is $3,000, assuming an average of at least twenty hours of student research per week for at least eight weeks.