GeoDesign Speaker Series

October 11, 2017 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Summer Research and Professional Insights from Studio One Eleven
Benny Friedman, B.S. in GeoDesign junior, and Shannon Heffernan, Urban Design Manager, Studio One Eleven

Wednesday, October 11, 2017, 12 – 1 pm
Spatial Sciences Institute Conference Room, Allan Hancock Foundation (AHF) B57J

Hear Shannon Heffernan, AICP, Urban Design Manager with Studio One Eleven, and Benny Friedman, GeoDesign major and summer intern, share professional insights, experiences, and work values of Studio One Eleven, a Los Angeles-based urban design firm working to create more livable, sustainable, and engaging cities. Shannon will discuss services, expertise, and sample projects from Studio One Eleven as all as provide insight on the desired skills and training the company is looking for in new hires. Benny will share examples, highlights, deliverables, responsibilities, and opportunities from his summer internship at Studio One Eleven.

Please make sure to attend this unique and informative panel presentation to learn more about career planning, job opportunities and placement,and summer internships, as well as GeoDesign case study interventions in greater Los Angeles.

October 11, 2017 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Allan Hancock Foundation B57J

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