Category Archives: Uncategorized

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Students Install Survey Benchmark at Wrigley Marine Science Center

Survey benchmarks are used to mark a precisely measured elevation point. Hikers reaching the top of a mountain are often rewarded by finding a benchmark left by surveyors in the past.  This spring, a class of GIST students taking SSI 587 (GPS/GIS Field Techniques) at the Wrigley Marine Science Center, installed their own benchmark at…
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GIS Day Balloon Mapping this Week

SSI is hosting a “GIS Day” event on campus this week.  Come out to Alumni Park on Wednesday, November 20, from 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. to see the capabilities of our low-altitude balloon mapping tools. The event shows the potential of the kind of spatial data that was used to form response plans after Hurricane…
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SSI Faculty Member Contributor to Comprehensive Southwest Climate Change Report

The consequences of global climate change are, and will continue to be, felt at regional and local scales.  A recent comprehensive assessment of the current and predicted effects of climate change on the US southwest was recent released by a consortium of institutions in the region.  USC professor and director of undergraduate studies in the…
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2013 Esri User Conference

This year’s Esri International User Conference is under way in San Diego and is as bas in past years. The plenaries yesterday covered a wealth of new tools and applications can you can ctach up with what was presented on the Esri UC home page at The Academic Fair last evening was also a…
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