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HSGI Lab student researchers publish papers

Richard Windisch and Mia Poynor (left) of the USC Spatial Sciences Institute Human Security and Geospatial Intelligence team explain the team’s SmallSat research at the February 22, 2019 Geospatial Summit. homepage photo: Kevin Mercy on SSI’s HSGI team presented the team’s approach for temporal analysis of 3D data to JPL’s Machine Learning and Instrument Autonomy…
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Sara Schubert

Sara Schubert: The GeoHealth concentration looks at public health through a spatial lens. Looking at where something occurs and determining why it occurs there can be extremely useful when studying health outcomes. One of the best classes I took in the Spatial Sciences Institute was cartography. This class taught me all about the fundamentals of…
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Jeannette Ban

Jeannette Ban: Growing up surrounded by steel and concrete in the middle of urban Los Angeles cultivated a fondness in me for the green, living things that push their way out of cracks or grow quietly among the city rush. This appreciation for plant lifeforms led me to attend The Evergreen State College in Washington,…
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Karen Kemp and Jennifer Swift publish Cyber Literacy article

SSI Professors Karen Kemp and Jennifer Swift have joined forces with 11 other GIS scholars to co-author the article "Cyber Literacy for GIScience: Toward Formalizing Geospatial Computing Education” published online in The Professional Geographer.  The article is available at: Their article addresses the pressing need to educate a new generation of scientists and citizens who…
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