Esri announces ArcGIS 10 Patch

Esri announces ArcGIS (Desktop, Engine, Server) 10.0 Personal Geodatabase Unicode Item Definition Patch

Important Information to Customers Using ArcGIS 10

An issue has been found with some uses of non-English Unicode data  within the personal geodatabase when upgrading to ArcGIS 10. In some  cases, the use of non-English Unicode characters in object names in the  geodatabase are corrupted when the personal geodatabase (access file) is  upgraded to an ArcGIS 10 geodatabase. This error corrupts the source  data and is nonrecoverable. Further details and workarounds are provided  in knowledge base article 38149.

A software patch is available for this issue. Download now here. For further information and assistance, pleasecontact your local Esri distributor.

Download Software Patch

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