I’ve always been interested in the environment, which is why I originally applied to USC as an Environmental Studies major. However, I quickly realized that I wanted to do more than just learn about the world around me. My goal is to find sustainable solutions that improve people’s standard of living and promote harmony between humans and the natural environment.
At first, I considered switching to an Architecture major, but since it’s a five-year program and I would have to wait a year to apply, I would have to spend a total of six years at USC. I decided to scroll through Dornsife’s list of majors and that’s when I stumbled upon GeoDesign. I was slightly confused because I also saw GeoDesign on the School of Architecture’s website but, as it turns out, GeoDesign is an interdisciplinary major between Dornsife, the USC School of Architecture, and the Sol Price School of Public Policy. After reading about GeoDesign, I decided to switch my major and have not looked back since.
As a freshman, I’ve taken a class on the principles of GeoDesign. This semester, I’m taking a mapping and spatial reasoning class, which is really eye-opening and interesting. My favorite part about GeoDesign is how interdisciplinary it is. There are so many directions I can go with this major, and the more I learn about it, the more I fall in love with it. It encompasses all of my passions and while I’m not exactly sure what I want to do with it right now, I’m sure that I will figure it out. Until then, I will continue exploring all the different aspects of GeoDesign and spend the rest of my time being a USC Trojan.