Mia Poynor

With spatial technologies, we can explore how health can inform human security. I'm studying Health and Human Sciences with a focus in International Health, but for the longest time I was undecided, unsure where to focus my studies due to my interests in multiple areas. However, once I chose my major that favored my interdisciplinary brain, I found the Human Security and Geospatial Intelligence minor that complemented my studies! Since then, I’ve been given the tools to explore the intersection between various topics such as international health, health disparities, the environment, and spatial patterns.

The applicability of geospatial intelligence and spatial science is endless! For example, during my sophomore year, I took a class called Community Health Scan, where my classmates and I went out into downtown Los Angeles and mapped out the various resources available to the homeless people living in Skid Row. The spatial analysis we conducted allowed us to create a policy proposal aimed to better the overall health of that population. This experience sparked my desire to examine the relationship between health and spatial patterns. I’m very excited to be a part of this integrative area of study and hope to better the world’s health and environment through the aid of spatial sciences.


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