Category Archives: Uncategorized

Seeking Undergraduate Researchers and more.

SSI Coordinating AAG GIS Specialty Group Student Paper Competition

Spatial Sciences students are encouraged to prepare for the 2012  GIS Specialty Group (GISSG) Honors Competition for Student Papers in Geographic Information Science to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers.  Dr. Dan Goldberg, Associate Director of the Spatial Sciences Institute, is coordinating the competition. The Spatial Sciences Institute has two faculty members…
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AAG / CSG announces Masters thesis grants

AAG CARTOGRAPHY SPECIALTY GROUP MASTER’S THESIS RESEARCH GRANT Award Information Enrolled Master’s students are invited to apply for the Cartography Specialty Group (CSG) Master’s Thesis Research Grants. These grants are intended to promote scholarly research in cartography by students enrolled in Geography or a related degree program. Grants are available up to a maximum of…
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URISA announces student competition

URISA seeks to encourage students in a variety of  academic settings and disciplines to write and publish papers and  projects for the URISA membership and others in the spatial technologies  industry. To promote this objective URISA has established a student  competition. The 2011 Student Competition will consist of a two-tier approach that includes Papers and…
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Enter your app in the Metro Developer Challenge

Metro Los Angeles is launching a new contest that USC students are  encouraged to enter. The Metro Developer Challenge is a competition  where students create new and creative web/mobile apps that use our  transit data. We’re offering cash prizes of up to $2,000 for the winning apps. View the flier for more details about the Metro…
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